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銀龍咖啡茶座 是真難吃 又顯得寒酸

發佈者: 潮人Jacky | 發佈時間: 2023-4-7 15:39| 查看數: 8511| 評論數: 1|帖子模式

銀龍咖啡茶座 是真難吃 又顯得寒酸(兜踎)



怎麼說呢,除了上下船的漁民,連附近的居民也不要幫襯。位於鯉魚門的銀龍茶餐廳,實則是位於海鮮市場的最裡面。我看到那麼多漂亮的海鮮不吃 (酒樓在旁邊),特意走去茶餐廳吃,我都怕被人誤會是寒酸。但其實裡面的貨色 不好吃,也比外面同款食物要貴很多。服務員的態度基本上是極其敷衍和跋扈,恨不得你一進來擺低銀兩馬上就走。省得招呼你。老闆娘在深圳開一間同名茶餐廳,很快就倒閉了。

要不你當初索性轉型做帶貨直播,每天都能保持熱度 。


HarryNig 發表於 2024-2-10 12:04:22

Fantastic Job!

Your post really hit home for me personally, compelling me to react right away! It is not everyday that I trip upon anything as informative and relatable as what you've shared. Your careful effort in making such a meaningful contribution to the forum is commendable. Contributions like yours are what make this group such a helpful and enriching place for everybody involved. Carry on with the incredible work, and I am going to be excitedly awaiting more of your informative content in the future.

Thank You!
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